Venues and participation

This web page contains accommodation facilities on the Futuroscope site and hotels in downtown Poitiers. We draw your attention that travel from the conference venue to these hotels is in your charge. Please refer to the Vitalis website to prepare your trip. Count 30 minutes for the trip from the Futuscope site to downtown Poitiers.

Official hotels of ISMIS2024 conference

The Plaza hotel and the Alteora hotel are planned to be the official hotels of ISMIS 2024 conference. The local organization committee has obtained special rates for the hotel rooms. The promo code must be used to benefit from the advantageous rates.

Hotel near the conference location

Hotel in downtown Poitiers


The conference will take place at ISAE-ENSMA (École Nationale Supérieure de Mécanique et d'Aérotechnique).

  • LIAS Laboratory, ISAE-ENSMA, Téléport 2, 1 avenue Clément Ader, 86360, Chasseneuil-du-Poitou, France

By Car

Motorway A10 Paris-Bordeaux, exit Futuroscope (n°28) or national road RN10, exit Futuroscope, teleport 2.

For more information see Google Maps.

By Train

At 90 minutes from Paris-Montparnasse by direct TGV (high speed train). Arrival at the SNCF (the national railway company of France) station of Poitiers city, with bus connexion.

For more information refer to the SNCF website.

By Plane

The Poitiers-Biard airport is 10 minutes away (by car) from the Futuroscope.

For more information refer to the Poitiers Biard Airport website.

By Bus

Public Bus No 1 (Gare Viaduc Station) provides a link between the train station and the conference venue (Université Station) and some hotels Plaza and Altéora (1ere Avenue Station), IBIS (Téléport 4 Station).

For more information refer to the map of Bus No 1.

Local Information

Poitiers and its surroundings: culture and leisure

Poitiers, a warm and lively city with many narrow alleyways situated around its historic university, one of the oldest in Europe. It is a favorite stopover for romanesque art lovers who are able to find many different reasons to stroll around and discover the town. In the north, across the Clain Valley, sports fans will be just as delighted with the lake at St-Cyr and the International Welcome Center which includes a wide variety of sports and leisure activities

Futuroscope: the european park of the moving images

Just outside Poitiers on a great green plain, futuristic shapes puncture the skyline. It's as if all the far-fetched settings from the science fiction movies have been beamed down to earth. These are the pavilions of Futuroscope and what goes on inside them can be breath-taking. You can experience the magic of massive 3D cinema, virtual reality simulator rides and the latest in communication technologies. There are 22 of the world's largest and most exciting visual presentations, ranging from classics like Mount Everest and The Grand Canyon to the very latest in dynamic entertainment (

Visa Support

If you need a VISA for attending the conference, please send an email to to receive an invitation letter, with the following information:

  • name and date of birth as it appears on your passport
  • passport number and country of citizenship
  • if applicable, the title(s) of your paper(s) accepted for the conference